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Woodlands College takes a step towards a bright future

Woodlands International College took their first step towards a bright future of supporting the community by inducting the first president of their newly formed Rotary Interact Club recently.

The ceremony was attended by the Boksburg Lake Rotary Club, who sponsors the Woodlands Interact club.

Derek Fox, a prestigious member and the outgoing president of the Rotary Club, inducted Ryan Coull as president and Stacey Mckeen as vice-president.

Interact is a club for young people aged 12 to 18, who want to join together to tackle the issues in their community.

Woodlands has already helped to pack 67 bags of food for the foundation Anti-Freeze, in honour of Nelson Mandela.

The Woodlands Interact team have many other outstanding ideas on how they can better the community and are planning on implementing them shortly.

The includes starting a vegetable garden at their school and assisting the elderly, children and the Wet Nose Foundation.

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