
Video footage of apparent criminal ‘modus operandi’ in Beyers Park

Intelligence Bureau SA published a video on their Facebook page, showing what they called a "modus operandi" used by criminals in committing house or business robberies.

The video shows four cars travelling one behind the other.

The one in front, a white Mecerdez Benz, pulls into a driveway at a certain house; the driver gets out and inspects the gate and then hand signals the drivers of the other three vehicles stopped in the street.

Though it’s not clear what the guy is doing at the gate, Intelligence Bureau SA said he tries to lift it.

He then climbs back into his car and they all drive away.


The bureau warns residents, security companies, CPFs and the police that “these guys travel in packs, are well organised, calculated and trained”.

“These guys have nothing to lose and have no regard for life,” it continues.

“Watch yourself and always call for back up.”

It further warns that two cars are used as back up, while the bakkie is the lookout.

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