Top cop blocks CPF oversight on SAPS

The Gauteng Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieut General Lesetja Mothiba, has suspended the oversight functions of all CPFs in the province.

In a letter addressed to all station and cluster commanders in Gauteng, the commissioner states that until such time that the National Police Commissioner instructs otherwise, his office “will not permit any oversight role by the CPFs at any police station within the Gauteng province.”

Mothiba said his office took note of the decision that the CPFs must be involved in oversights visits to all police station as discussed by the MEC of Community Safety at the Quarterly Review Session (QRS) with the Department of Community Safety.

He said that as his office was never consulted about the envisaged new oversight role of the CPFs, the National Commissioner of the SAPS, Riya Phiyega, has been requested to give clarity in respect of the said decision.

“Until such time that there is clarity on this matter, this office will not permit any oversight role by the CPFs at any police station,” said Mothiba.

DA Shadow MEC for Community Safety, MPL, Kate Lorimer, said she believes that this a direct contravention of section 18 (1) of the South African Police Service Act which states that, among other things, the provincial SAPS shall establish CPFs with the view to improving transparency in the Service and accountability of the Service to the community.

Lorimer said transparency and accountability can only be achieved through oversight; a critical component of ensuring that our communities receive the services they deserve.

“Civilian oversight is a constitutionally mandated exercise which the police commissioner cannot simply suspend. CPFs are a vital lifeline between communities and those designated to oversee their protection.”

She said said the fight against crime in Gauteng cannot be won without the cooperation of all members of our society and to dismiss this critical oversight function is to place the safety and security of all of us at further risk.

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