Valuable recording data stolen during theft at Vonk

Valuable recording data of artists signed to the Vonk label has been lost following a break-in at the record company in Boksburg on Friday morning, June 26.

According to Lt Juanita Coetzer, the alarm went off at around 1.10am.

Thieves apparently gained access through the roof.

It appears as if they then used industrial strength equipment to gain access to the walk-in safe.

Electronic equipment was stolen, including hard drives containing projects of musicians.

It is reported 14 of 21 of such hard drives were stolen.

According to Rudi Muller of Vonk, it still has to determine exactly which artists have been affected by the theft.

Key artists like Gerhard Steyn is also signed to Vonk.

“Data that is lost is for example the latest media videos, CD covers and press releases,” said Muller.

The stolen equipment, including video cameras and production equipment, is believed to be valued at around R500 000.

The Advertiser understands this is not the first break in at Vonk.

The Boksburg North SAPS is investigating.

More information to follow.

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Police station theft: Motherboard found in vegetation



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