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New business council to pave the way in revitalising manufacturing

The City of Ekurhuleni has revealed its plan to establish the Ekurhuleni Business Council (EBC) during the recent Manufacturing Roundtable held at Emperors Palace.

The roundtable is a precursor to the upcoming two-day Manufacturing Indaba Conference and Exhibition to be held at Emperors Palace on June 29 to 30.

Industry leaders were invited to the discussions to deliberate on how they, through the EBC, will collectively work towards the revitalization of the manufacturing sector in Ekurhuleni.

In his keynote address, the Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Clr Mondli Gungubele, alluded to that the EBC will provide avenues for partnerships between the public and private sectors to advance the municipality’s development and job creation goals.

“It is this very Council that the City’s senior management will utilise to adequately engage with the manufacturing fraternity on key issues of service delivery and other municipal business,” said the mayor.

“This roundtable is an opportunity to reorganise the industry in order to maximize the potential that already exists in Ekurhuleni,” said Gungubele.

The EBC is a structure that will include representatives from both the municipality and business. It will be guided by a few rules as members that will be obliged to, including:

* Promote the common goals of the Council in the best interest of the City of Ekurhuleni;
* Ensure that the Batho Pele principles are adhered to at all times; and
* Exercise due diligence and skill in the execution of the Council mandate.

The Manufacturing Indaba Conference and Exhibition will serve as a platform for deliberations focusing on enhancing manufacturing competiveness in Gauteng.

For more information on the Manufacturing Indaba, individuals and businesses may contact Edward Komane on (011) 999 8128 and Edward.Komane@ekurhuleni.gov.za or Nolen Martin (011) 463 9184/ 082 3598023 nolene@manufacturingindaba.co.za or alternatively visit the Manufacturing Indaba website on www.manufacturingindaba.co.za.

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