New route may affect existing residents, business developments

Existing residents and some business developments might be affected by the planned route K86 at the OR Tambo International Airport.

Ward 23’s Clr Andre du Plessis, together with Royal HaskoningDHV, engaged with the public to discuss an environmental screening for route determination stage on Thursday, May 21, in Impala Park.

Royal HaskoningDHV, the company conducting the preliminary studies for ACSA, presented different proposals for new roads, which ACSA is planning to link up with their proposed future central terminal.

The first section of route K86 falls within the restricted area of the OR Tambo International Airport.

“Outside the airport the route will cross residential properties in Impala Park,” said du Plessis.

“Undeveloped land north of Impala Park, adjacent to K157 facilities, will also be crossed. The route will end at the intersection of the K157 and Atlas roads.”

Du Plessis said that the construction of the proposed road is, however, not envisaged in the short to medium term.

“For now, this route determination process is aimed at looking at route optimisation through the assessment of environmental sensitivity data, as well as consideration of stakeholder’s comments,” he explained.

If residents have further comments or queries, they can contact Royal HaskoningDHV on 011 798 6000, or email to them on, or – @NalediBoksburg

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