Metro to finally fix water leak

A damaged water pipe in Granite Street, Jet Park, has resulted in a large volume of water being wasted.

However, according to Themba Gadebe, spokesperson for the metro, a team is already carrying out repairs which are expected to be completed in a few days.

He said that the municipality initially appointed a contractor to assist with the repairs of the water leak, but the contractor did not honour the Service Level Agreement and respond to instructions.

Alternatively, the metro made news arrangements to have the leak repaired.

“The City’s water department will handle this matter in accordance with the penalty clauses in the contract,” Gadebe said.

A Jet Park businessman recently expressed concern over the alleged lax attitude of Ekurhuleni officials to urgently attend to leakages and burst pipes, in order to prevent wastage of clean water.

Despite numerous complaints to the metro, Johan Badenhorst said clean water from a burst underground pipe went down the drain for weeks outside his business on Granite Street, Jet Park.

He said the recent wastage of water on Granite Street, as a result of the damaged pipe, could have been avoided had officials heeded the several complaints from him.

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