Open sewerage drains pose a danger in Boksburg North

Numerous open sewerage drains in Boksburg North are not only an eyesore, but also pose a danger.

This is according to a pensioner of Boksburg North, Alan Tempest, who is frustrated at the level of poor service delivery by the metro.

He said numerous drains throughout Boksburg North have been left open, some for months now, following the covering concrete slabs being removed to make way for a new-look and more efficient drain covering.

Even though Tempest welcomes the initiative by the metro, he questions why the drains have not been covered following repairs as soon as possible.

He is also shocked that, not in one instance, has the metro cordoned off the open drains to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

“It just seems nobody cares about the state of Boksburg North. I have lived in this town since the 1950s, but what I’m seeing these days regarding the level of service delivery shocks and saddens me,” said Tempest.

“A lot of these open drains are along Trichardts Road, which is one of the main roads through town. Surely such a road should always be kept clean, since its poor state is a reflection of the town in general.”

Tempest pointed out two drains to the Advertiser, that are located on the corner of Trichardts Road and First Street.

“It disgusts me that the metro has not attended to these two open drains for months now. Both are constantly blocked by debris that is never removed. How is sewage or rainwater supposed to wash away?” he asked.

He said at times he has found children playing in some of the open drains, while the sewerage pipes are exposed for a child to crawl into.

“Sure, the metro will eventually fix the mess they left and cover up the drains, but even a week is far too long; why couldn’t they put in certain safety measures to ensure pedestrians don’t fall into the holes?”

He also bemoaned the fact that, where the slabs were removed, concrete and removed soil have been left on the side of the road and serve as an add eyesore and a danger.

“Apart from the drains, the streets in Boksburg North hardly get cleaned. I have taken it upon myself for a long time now to clean some of the roads, just to make it bearable to live in this town that I once so loved,” Tempest said.

“If I don’t do it, nothing will happen.

“Also, have a look at the rubbish bins. Most of them are loosely placed into the ground, not even cemented down, so no wonder some of them have been stolen or been damaged.

“It is really shocking is what is happening in our town.”

The Advertiser did notice, on Thursday, April 23, workers at a couple of drains replacing the broken slabs.

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