
New improved hydrant identification in Ekurhuleni

Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (EMS) has embarked on an identification and servicing campaign of water (fire) hydrants throughout Ekurhuleni.

According to the EMS spokesperson, William Ntladi, a tender has been awarded to the appointed contractor to deal with the task at hand.

“This project is being put in place to uplift the standard of the firefighting profession,” said Ntladi.

“Time is of great essence and as a result, firefighting teams will be able to access the resources much easier.

“Our quality of service delivery to the communities will be improved.

“Not only will firefighters benefit, but other municipal and government departments as well.

“Hydrants, being municipal property, are only supposed to be used by municipal and government officials in the execution of their duties and not by members of the public.

“It has come to the attention of the City that some hydrants around Ekurhuleni have been tampered with in many ways.

“Underground hydrants are the ones that are mostly tampered with and, in some instances, covered by concrete slabs, lawn and vegetation, obscuring them completely.

According to Ntladi, the monitoring of the project is unfolding superbly as most of the identified challenges are being addressed accordingly.

“Maintenance of the firefighting equipment is in accordance with the Fire Brigade Services Act.

Ntladi said that the project was initiated last year and the duration of the contract is for a period of three years.

“The servitude lines are being tampered with, whereby perimeter fences, brick walls and even palisades, are being constructed in such a way that some hydrants are incorporated within individual`s properties,” Ntladi concluded. – @IschkeBoksburg

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