DA proactive amid xenophobic attack fears

The DA in Ekurhuleni has decided to be proactive in the wake of the xenophobic attacks that have gripped the nation.

“We owe it to the people who have been targeted to ensure their safety; this is why we have already taken steps to help prevent incidents from flaring up in our metro,” said Tania Campbell, DA Ekurhuleni caucus chairperson.

“We are not going to wait for the waves of violence and, while we strongly condemn these attacks, we are not sitting in our offices writing powerfully worded statements condemning the acts of violence.

“Instead, we are on the ground, where the people need us, actively trying to make a difference and put plans into action to protect our residences.”

Campbell recently met with community leaders in the Makause informal settlement, as well as engaging in robust debates with the police, regarding measures to prevent these violent attacks from starting.

“I really hope that the situation doesn’t affect our metro, but having experienced the situation first hand and at grassroot levels in 2008, I want foreign nationals to feel safe, knowing that we have done everything in our power to protect every resident of Ekurhuleni,” she said.

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