Police confiscate laptops, cellphones in ‘satanic ritual sex’ case

Police have confiscated the cellphones and laptops of the Witfield pastor who has been accused of raping a nine-year-old boy.

Similar equipment has also been confiscated from the boy’s grandparents and uncle, who are also accused of being involved in the molestation of the child during an apparent satanic ritual.

The four appeared in the Germiston Magistrates Court on March 18 and 25.

Their attorney, Henk Strydom, told the Advertiser that his clients are appearing in court while investigations continue.

“The trial date has not been set, as police are still waiting for forensic evidence from the electronic equipment they confiscated from my clients,” he said.

It appears the police are looking for pornographic material on the phones and laptops.

The case has been postponed to May 8.

The four were each granted bail of R4 000 bail in the Germiston Magistrates Court, on March 3.

Police previously reported that interviews with the child revealed that the group had allegedly raped and molested him multiple times over the years.

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