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Q and A with Viewpoint Recovery Centre

Do you have any questions regarding substance abuse?

Maybe you are concerned about a family member, or maybe you have fallen into addiction yourself.

Experts in the field of substance abuse (be it drugs, alcohol or even gambling), from Viewpoint Recovery Centre, are now available to answer your questions.

Queries may be forwarded directly to QandA@therehab.co.zaQuestion and answers (when not indicated as confidential) will then be published in the Advertiser as part of an education campaign.

Where indicated, and where necessary, queries will be treated anonymously in the publication.

Visit www.viewpointrecoverycentre.co.za for more information.

The following questions were submitted:

Q My wife is addicted to sleeping medication. Please help. What can I do?

A Prescription medication addiction is as severe, or sometimes more severe, than illegal substance drug addiction. Prescription medication taken is large doses can severely damage the organs, so not only is the addiction mental, it’s also a physical addiction. It should be treated exactly the same way as when treating alcohol or drug addiction. An assessment needs to be done to explain the dangers of her addiction.

Q I have been smoking weed for 12 years. It was never a problem before, but now my wife is constantly nagging me to quit. Please can you explain to her that weed is not addictive.

A I have surprise for you. Weed is very much addictive. Weed is a mind and or mood altering drug. In some cases it is used or known as the gateway drug to other substances such as heroin or cocaine. Weed is also used in conjunction with other drugs, so it is a very dangerous drug to be using. In some cases there has been recorded THC psychosis.

Q I don’t know how to approach my eldest child. I know he is using drugs because his money is always finished, he sleeps a lot and he does not want to eat. He is a grown man now but I feel helpless.

A An intervention needs to be possibly done. This is a process where the family sits down and confronts the addict in a kind and loving way. At Viewpoint we explain how the process works. There is an option of doing the intervention without or with professional guidance.

Visit www.viewpointrecoverycentre.co.za

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