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Home Affairs employees to strike over new working hours

Home Affairs staff may down tools over extended working hours.

As from Monday, March 23, Home Affairs offices will be open from 8am until 4pm on weekdays and from 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.

However, the changes have not gone down well with employees and the Public Servants Association of South Africa (PSA).

Although staff would continue to work the same number of hours a week, spread over six days, PSA’s acting assistant general manager, Leon Gilbert, said the new working hours will cause inconvenience and also mean extra costs, as employees will now have to dig deep into their pockets to cover their additional travel costs, while salaries remain the same.

He mentioned that the association has held discussion with the department to reach an amicable solution, but the negotiations failed.

Gilbert stated that they have lodged a dispute, adding that a third party will be brought in to conciliate between the department and the association.

He said failure to reach an agreement will result in strike action.

Home Affairs director-general Mkuseli Apleni warned that the department would take action against striking workers.

“We have been reliably informed that there are some officials who are planning to engage in an illegal strike,” he said.

“We, therefore, wish to send a warning to any official who participates in this illegal activity that the department will not hesitate to exercise its authority and deal decisively with those participating by taking disciplinary measures, which may include dismissal,” said Apleni in a statement.

In reaction to Apleni’s statement, Gilbert said the department was quick to issue such a statement, because the matter is still in the reconciliation phrase and the association hasn’t yet issued a strike notice to the department. – @FanieFLK

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