Don’t waste R90-m on festival – DA

The Ekurhuleni Metro would do well to take heed of the disastrous Dinokeng Tribe One music festival that failed to take place in Tshwane, last year.

This is according to DA Gauteng Shadow MEC of Co-operative Governance, Fred Nel MPL, who is concerned over the metro’s intent to spend R90-million on the World of Music, Arts and Dance (Womad) Festival.

The Tribe One festival, which was cancelled at the last minute, at a cost of R70-m, was footed by residents of Tshwane.

“This money would have been better used to uplift the lives of those in poor communities,” said Nel.

“Similarly, the proposed R90-m to host Womad in Ekurhuleni would be more beneficial if it was to be directed at increasing service delivery.”

Last year, Gauteng experienced catastrophic water shortages – with Ekurhuleni being one of the hardest hit areas.

“The money would be better utilised to repair dilapidated infrastructure, to ensure that residents of Ekurhuleni are not treated as second class citizens,” said Nel.

“Wisely spent, this money would have a knock-on effect – creating jobs in a metro that has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.”

He added that it will be the act of an irresponsible administration that chooses to spend an exorbitant amount of money on a music festival, while those in desperate need of services and jobs remain neglected. – @IschkeBoksburg

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