
Take note of the following house robbery safety tips

When someone uses violence or threatens to use violence against another person, in order to steal something on the residential premises of anyone, then the crime of house robbery is committed.

The Boksburg North SAPS provides a number of house robbery safety tips.

If your house has been broken into:

* Contact your nearest police station immediately.

* Wait until fingerprints and statements are taken before touching anything.

* Do not allow private security companies to enter the house or touch anything before the police have arrived.

* A list of all the makes, models and serial numbers of electrical appliances and other valuable equipment should always be available for investigation purposes.

Prevent house robbery and theft:

* Make provision for good outside lighting, but switch off the lights during the day. Outside lights that are on during the day and post that are left in the gate, are signs of no one being at home.

* Never just open the door when the bell rings. Make sure of who it is.

* A watchdog is a good early warning system. However, take precautions against possible dog poisoning.

* Always check identity of strangers who visit for business purposes.

* Report suspicious characters loitering, asking for piece jobs.

* Install the best security systems you can afford.

* When approaching your home, ensure that it is safe to enter and that you have not been followed. Be aware of persons loitering near the entrance.

* Know your neighbours and build a relationship of mutual trust. When going away, inform them to keep a lookout on your property. Endeavour to discuss the environment daily.

* If you buy luxurious goods, cut up the boxes and dispose them in black bags. A branded box is a tell-tale sign of what thieves could find in your house.

* Be alert of being followed from shopping malls, restaurants, banks and ATM’s.

* You must be alert at all times and report suspicious people and vehicles to 10111 without delay.

Be patient and allow the SAPS to collect the necessary evidence from the scene of the crime as that would greatly enhance the probability of an arrest and successful prosecution.

Remember to dial 10111 in case of all emergencies.

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