Police discover tortoises, sophisticated drug lab in Boksburg

A Hawks operation has uncovered around R100 000 worth of Marijuana being grown in a sophisticated hydroponic drug lab at a home in Farrar Park, Boksburg.

Police also discovered ten tortoises which were removed by the Protective Species Unit.

Officers raided the house this morning (January 21) and found the extensive crop growing inside a backroom of the property.

A couple aged 50 and 57 have been taken into custody at the scene.

“Police found a sophisticated hydroponic grow operation with 72 marijuana plants in various stages of growth.

“The house also contained processed marijuana that already had been harvested for sale,” said Gauteng police spokesperson Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi.

He said the marijuana consisted of different strains, labelled with names.

The couple is expected to appear at the Boksburg Magistrate Court soon and will face charges of of manufacturing and dealing in narcotics as well as illegal possession of protected species.

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