Nicro launches online ex offender employment database

Many ex-offenders struggle to find work because of their criminal records.

This makes reintegrating back into society and living a crime-free life very difficult.

As part of a broader campaign to improve the social reintegration of offenders, the National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (Nicro) has launched an online project called Giving Hope, a project that seeks to link ex-offenders with prospective employers.

This is according to Jacques Sibomana, communications and marketing manager of Nicro.

“We are talking about our family members, neighbours, even colleagues who made serious mistakes at some point in their lives, and simply want a chance to leave their past behind and positively contribute to the well-being of our community,” says Sibomana.

“Most of Nicro’s clients are disadvantaged through lack of education, skills and opportunities. A criminal record simply adds to the social barriers in their way.

“Many of these offenders feel that there is no hope and that society has permanently rejected them. Even though they have completed their sentence, they are not allowed to rejoin society as a full member.

“This makes continuing rehabilitation a challenge, and in a sense, compromises the work done in the correctional centre.

He says the project allows ex-offenders to submit their details for inclusion in the database. The database reflects registered ex-offenders currently looking for employment.

“A partial version of the database is posted on the Nicro website, without any identifying information. Interested employers can review the database online and, if they see someone that they would like to interview, they submit a query, quoting the ex-offender’s reference number.

“Nicro will then put the prospective employer in touch with the ex-offender.

Regan Jules-Macquet, Giving Hope project manager, says many ex-offenders struggle to find employment because of their criminal record.

“Those who wish to make positive changes in their lives are barred from doing so because there is widespread stigma against employing people with criminal records” says Jules-Macquet.

“Nicro’s role is limited to compiling the Giving Hope Project database and making it available to prospective employers.

“Should an employer experience difficulties with a Nicro ex-offender, that employer is welcome to contact their nearest Nicro office for support and advice.

“It remains the responsibility of the employer, should he so require, to check the references, verify qualifications and to obtain an updated SAPS 69 form (criminal records check) from the candidate, should this be required.

“Just like an employment agency, Nicro is not able to assume liability for the effectiveness, suitability or behaviour of any of the Giving Hope Project candidates, but we continue to encourage community members, and prospective employees to give these individuals a second chance in life and to help them to turn their lives around.”

For more information on the project visit

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