Disgruntled workers vandalise mail delivery depot

Violence erupted when a stick-wielding, large group of alleged former post office workers and contract workers, stormed the Boksburg mail delivery depot, forcing the facility to temporarily close after intimidation of staff.

The incident happened on Monday afternoon, August 18.

According to an eye witness, a group of about 100 people entered the premises chanting slogans, and repeatedly pelted the building with stones and other objects, damaging several windows.

“They barged their way into the building and allegedly strewed unsorted mail on the floor and outside of the building,” says the witness.

A group of about 100 people entered the Boksburg depot chanting slogans and repeatedly pelted the building with stones and other objects, damaging several windows.

Damaged plastic and steel mail containers were strewn all over the premises.

An employee, who wants to stay anonymous, says the protesters allegedly threatened to set the vehicles and motorcycles on scene ablaze, but drivers rescued the vehicles from the protesters.

According to another worker at the depot, who appeared shaken but unhurt after the incident, the former post office workers who are on pension, allegedly demand the full amount of the benefit available at their retirement. They want a lump sum cash payment, instead of receiving the total amount in installments.

Then there is the issue of those working on contract basis wanting to be employed permanently.

The employee says he understands the workers’ frustrations, because some of them have been working under agents for more than five years.

The protesters were said to have threatened to paralyse the South African Post Office if the management fails to respond to their demands.

The demonstrators were seen taking to the streets of Boksburg again, and were overheard saying that they were going to other nearby depots.

* By Tuesday, August 19, the Advertiser was still receiving calls from Boksburg residents with complaints regarding mail not being received.

Comment from the SA Post Office is still forthcoming. -@FanieBoksburg

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