Lack of a complete fence still causing headache

The lack of proper fencing around the dam at the Leon Ferreira firestation has left residents fed-up for the past few years.

In the past, the Advertiser has followed up on numerous occasions with the metro and the firestation regarding fixing the fence, but nothing has been done as of yet.

Since last year, a concerned resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, has called for the fence to be replaced as it the lack of a decent enclosure puts the geese at the dam in danger.

“This park is used by many people taking their dogs for walks, or those taking their children to feed the geese, while there are those who just sit on the banks of the dam to watch the geese,” says the resident.

“It is such a lovely situated park, and if it was fenced off properly, there wouldn’t be so much litter lying around and it would be far safer for all the visitors.”

She says she has grown fond of “her” geese, but at the same time says the number of geese at the dam has diminished over the years.

About a month ago, six geese allegedly laid eggs. “To my horror I have heard that people are just stepping over the broken fencing to steal the eggs; the stress to these poor ‘mothers’ must be tremendous.”

“I have been feeding the geese twice a day for the last 16 months, but is it not enough, because their safety should be a priority,

“It is such a pity that all this goes to waste when it could be a place of enjoyment for everyone and not an eyesore when visiting Boksburg.”

According to the metro acting spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, the open space including the retention dam for excess stormwater where the geese are situated belongs to the Roads and Storm Water Department.

“The Parks Department has requested funding for fencing, due to the numerous requests from the public and from ward councillor Benno Robinson,” says Gadebe.

The department will allegedly only be informed in the new financial year if the request was approved.

In the meantime, the concerned will be working on a petition in order to get the fence replaced.

“I know there are other people who are not happy with the deterioration of the park and would be willing to sign.”

She is also unhappy that most of the streetlights around the park are not working.

“I have reported it on two occasions to the metro but nothing has been done. It is a disgrace.”

The metro did not comment on the streetlights. – @IschkeBoksburg

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