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Whistle-blower compels complaint to Public Protector

After receiving damning information from a source inside the E-toll system, Outa has lodged a subsidiary complaint with the Public Protector against Sanral for alleged mismanagement of the Gauteng Open Road Tolling scheme.

John Clarke, spokesperson for Outa, says that the allegations stem from experiences of a well-placed source inside the system, who confirms Outa’s views of mismanagement stemming from Sanral having embarked on an extremely high risk strategy to develop an electronic tolling infrastructure for the entire country.

However, this was done without testing key assumptions or engaging sufficiently with key stakeholders.

After six weeks of careful relationship-building to create mutual trust and confidence, Clarke mediated the complaint on behalf of the person.

“Outa contracted me to provide my ears to motorists caught in Sanral’s web of manipulation, and lodge a collective complaint on their behalf with the Public Protector.

“Unexpectedly in the midst of the avalanché, was a lengthy narrative from an insider who could no longer abide the injurious experience of working with Sanral,” says Clarke.

Clarke says that the insider described them as “arrogant and dangerous” people who “steam-roll public opinion, bully politicians, and business people and do not act in the interests of the country”.

“After a gradual process of feeling each other out, the distance between us closed and we found a great deal of common cause and alignment of interests between Outa and a key stakeholder inside the system.”

“Given the adversarial relationship between Sanral and Outa, after careful consideration, it was decided that it would be in the best interests of all parties for the Public Protector, as an impartial body with powers to subpoena, to investigate the allegations.”

Wayne Duvenage, chairperson of Outa says: “Despite legal and dialogue attempts to have the authorities come to their senses on the rationality and workability of E-tolling, now that the system has commenced we have seen a multitude of problems unfold and the verdict of the court of public opinion, whereby the majority of the freeway users are not fitting E-tags nor prepared to foot the bill for a scheme that was never designed or implemented with the best interests of the people at its core.”

He adds that the whistle-blower has been in a position to confirm their suspicions.

“I have also communicated with the minister of Transport as well as indicated our desire to brief the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport on our views and input on E-tolling, but given that there is an election underway, it would appear the climate and appetite for an intervention at this level is not right at this time.”

He says that the Public Protector has proved herself a fearless protector of constitutional rights and the rule of law, so they have decided to steer things her way.

“We don’t want to jeopardise the informants’ position or prejudice the investigative process or by saying too much at this stage.

“I can say that the complaint alleges abuse of power, dishonesty, maladministration and systemic problems in the risk assessment and management process within Sanral, dating back to the tender process and commencement of contractual negotiations with Kapsch TrafficCom back in 2007/8.”

Vusi Mona, spokesperson for Sanral, says that the Public Protector has not contacted Sanral.

“We will cooperate should her office conduct an investigation. We reject the allegations made by the so-called informant,” he says.

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