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Latest news: Work to restore Boksburg electricity continues

Impala Park and surrounding Boksburg areas have been without electricity since Tuesday evening, May 11.

Municipality says this is due to cable faults that occurred on the two-feeder lines connected to the area’s substation.

Acting metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe, says metro engineers and technicians are still at work trying to restore power to the affected areas.

“Yesterday technicians managed to repair about five faults on the cable, and are now able to energise one of the feeder lines. Power is slowly being brought back to some of the affected areas and in two hours, 60 per cent of the area will have electricity,” says Gadebe.

Director for operations at the Metro’s Energy Department, Hannes Roos, says they are trying to locate the fault on the second feeder line.

“Once it has been pinpointed, it will take between four to six hours to repair, this line supplies power to the remaining 40 per cent of the area,” explains Roos.

Roos says that there is a possibility that the load could be rotated to make sure that all residents get an opportunity to warm up the water in their geysers and cool the contents of their fridges.

“This will, however, be determined by the configuration of the network.”

Citizens are reminded to treat the network as electrically live at all times, and take the necessary precautions.

Meanwhile, the electricity supply has been reinstated to all areas of Brakpan that were affected by an outage at 11:30 pm yesterday.

For updates, residents may follow @EMM_Call_Centre, @EMMInfo on Twitter and City of Ekurhuleni on Facebook.

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  1. Ahh thats just great… pls do explain to me how will my geyser warm up if it is on a timer, im at work and the timer will only go on @ 5pm if there is electricity will you be so nice to send me power at that time agian????? i dont think so but ja lets keep praying maybe luck is on us the residents side!!!!!

  2. This is absolutely ridicilous that 2 lines get so faulty and suddenly both give in at the same time.
    5 faults in one line, is no maintence done regulary on these lines!
    Not happy!!!

  3. Hi There,

    I just spoke to André du Plessis. Another 10 hours or so to get second cable fixed – according to him. Good luck neighbours

  4. It is kind of hard to follow the updates on twitter or on facebook if we can’t charge our phones (and somehow the terrible even worse since the power failure, vodacom network coverage)…

  5. Unfortunatly these issues are due to a number of factors and it is about time that the politicians situp and as opposed to talking and making promises that are impossible to deliver, take some action.

    1.Ekurhuleni has no more money to fix or upgrade the power grid and cannot pay suppliers for work done.
    2. BEEE and AA are taking their toll as incompetent staff are hired to fulfill specialised roles.
    3. Equipment has not been maintained as it should due to the government and their priorities.
    4. The amount of staff have dwindled to but a few.
    So now what councilors, politically connected and hired? Instead of passing the blame to workers whos hands are tied, MAKE THE CHANGE, by being honest and owning the problem and suggesting the solution.

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