Thousands of pets abandoned over festive season

An alarming number of pets are surrendered, abandoned or dumped over the festive season.

Even worse, some are left to fend for themselves, alone, while their owners go on a relaxing holiday.

According to Johan van Jaarsveld, from Montego Pet Nutrition: “Animal shelter volunteers are saying that there’s nothing festive about the festive season, and I don’t blame them.

“During December they have to deal with an influx of surrendered, abandoned and dumped animals, because of pet owners who didn’t have the foresight to plan, or the funds to pay, for a boarding facility.

“Already, animal rescue organisations are being contacted about pets that have been left alone, often without food or water and with no human contact or care, while their owners have gone away for the holidays, sometimes for weeks at a time.

“The owners usually put out pet food for, say, two weeks, and somehow expect their pets to understand the concept of rationing their meals.”

Montego Pet Nutrition recently spoke to several shelters and rescue organisations about this shocking trend, and learned that some of the animals that are surrendered have been long-term pets and are most likely relinquished for convenience.

The shelters have also experienced owners bringing in their pets as “found strays”, hoping to pick them up after they return from their holiday.

“Luckily, the shelters and rescue organisations have very strict policies in place and will not allow a previous owner to readopt their animal,” says van Jaarsveld.

Another worrying trend confirmed by shelters and rescue organisations is the number of people who buy pets as Christmas presents, only to abandon them a few months later.

“A pet is not a novelty gift – it’s for life and is a serious commitment and responsibility; cute puppies and kittens grow up and, when they do, you cannot return them like the rest of your unwanted Christmas gifts,” says van Jaarsveld.

He urges responsible pet ownership this festive season and concludes with the following advice:

* Ideally you should have already booked your pet into a boarding facility. If not, and you plan to go away, speak to your veterinarian or find a reputable and reliable pet sitter.

* If you are thinking of adding a pet to your family, rather wait until the New Year.

* There are many pet-friendly holiday venues out there. Visit for more information.

For more information or to take part in Montego’s Click to Feed campaign, visit

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