House burglary in Dawn Park concerns

Crime statistics for Dawn Park reveal that house burglary (499 cases) in the area is a growing problem.

The statistics were released by the South African Police Service (SAPS), for the period April, 1 2012, to March 31, 2013.

Henry Mohlala, Dawn Park CPF chairperson, says the statistics do not come as a surprise.

“Almost every day a case of burglary is reported, and most incidents take place during the day,” he says.

Mohlala explains that the CPF encourages community members to get to know each other, and not to leave their houses unoccupied for more than an hour during the day.

Spokesperson for the Dawn Park Police Station WO Prudence Mvelase says the station will increase visibility of SAPS members to ensure that there are fewer incidents of house burglaries.

The national crime statistics show a nationwide increase in house burglaries, murder, drug-related crimes and hijackings.

In Dawn Park, murder (up from 22 to 37) and attempted murder (36) spiked.

Mvelase says murders are mostly drug-related, often involve knives and take place at shebeens after operating hours.

Drug-related crime is up from 82 to 88 cases.

Mvelase adds that to ensure a decrease in murders in the area, the Dawn Park SAPS will also conduct stop and searches to root out drugs on the streets, as well as to confiscate illegal weapons.

Sherise Brink, spokesperson for the Community Patrolling Initiative (CPI), in Van Dyk Park, says hijacking and not murder is rife in the area.

“Two hijackings are reported per week, but we are working in partnership with E-track and 98 per cent of the vehicles are recovered,” she says.

Brink points out that none of the hijackings have been violent, and that the incidents take place as residents drive into their yards.

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