Do you have faith in the police to deal with the drug problem?

Considering recent reports of police being involved with drug dealers in the Boksburg North area, the Advertiser asked the community if they believe that the police can deal with the drug problem.

Chris Tshaykang: “Yes, I do believe the police can deal with the problem, because they once patrolled outside my complex and asked me to show them who were selling drugs in the area.”
Hannes Petzer: “No, I have no faith in the police. When I stayed in Witfield, I was a victim of break-ins and they either took long to show up, or they didn’t show up at all. Maybe there are some good ones, but I don’t have faith in the system.”
AG Lewis: “Yes, I do trust the police to deal with the drug problem.”
Sarel Petzer: “The problem has to do with money. I have witnessed police pulling someone over and taking a bribe from them.”
Hester Williams: “The police do nothing, they respond late to calls, and sometimes they don’t even respond. I have not faith in them to deal with the drug problem.”
Helen van Niekerk: “It is a difficult topic. My ex-fiancé was on drugs and he killed himself. However, I don’t think the police can deal with the problem, because it appears to be getting out of hand.”
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