Resilient duo set their eyes on top prize

Resilient mother and daughter duo, Karen and Kirsty Heath, have set their eyes on the first prize for the Reynolds Caxton Race.

Having seen much of the world on their travels, the adventurous pair is ready to take on East Rand and beat out the rest of the competition for the trip to Mauritius.

Mother of four, and grandmother to eight, Karen says that she is very excited to take part in the competition as she and Kirsty love watching the Amazing Race on TV.

They had always wished to take part in such a competition.

“I’ve always loved traveling and I’ve encouraged my children to travel the world as well,” says Karen.

Being the outspoken one of the two, Kirsty takes over from her mother and tells of how Karen would put her and her siblings in the car and just start driving.

“My mom would drive out the yard, turn to us and say, let’s get lost.

“My brother and I would give her directions, telling her to turn right, turn left and we would end up having mini road trips around the East Rand,” she says.

Karen and Kirsty, together, have traveled to the US, England, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Eighteen years in Boksburg, the Heath family has been through many challenges, however, they manage to keep much enthusiasm about life and what the future holds for them.

In 2001, Kirsty and her siblings went through the anguish of losing their father.

“Losing my father was a tragic experience and even years after his passing, I would find myself feeling guilty for laughing.

“I didn’t feel like I had the right to be happy, but my mother would reassure me that my father would not want to see me mourn him all my life,” she says.

While dealing with the loss of her father, in 2006, Kirsty lost her grandmother (her father’s mother) to cancer.

“My grandmother was a strong person, she beat cancer three times before she lost the fight.

“When my father died in 2001, my grandmother was also in hospital, appearing to be losing her battle with cancer, but as soon as she heard that my dad died, she turned to the doctor and said, ‘Well doctor, I can’t die now, lets fix me up’.

“My grandmother promised me she would be at my 21st birthday and through the power of her mind, she died months after attending my 21st birthday party,” says Kirsty.

Karen finally gets a word in and explains how she believes that women are strong and can do anything that they put their mind to.

“Being a single mother has taught me that there is nothing a woman can’t do if she puts her mind to it,” says Karen.

Responding to what they are looking forward to the most about the competition, Kirsty says “Mauritius”.

“I am a very competitive person, and as much as I am excited to know more about my city, I am playing to win.

“It’s quite strange that having seen so much of the world, I know so little about my own town, so I am looking forward to getting to know the East Rand,” says Kirsty.


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