Man killed by lions in Pretoria North reserve

Reserve management has urged landowners and visitors to adhere to the rules after a death on Sunday night.

A worker at a property in the Dinokeng Game Reserve in the north of Pretoria was tragically attacked and killed by lions recently.

The incident reportedly occurred on Sunday evening, according to a community member.

Game reserve management spokesperson Hartogh Streicher says the incident occurred in the reserve while the man was attempting to return to the property at night.

“The reserve management fencing team discovered what appeared to be human remains at about 10:37 on August 14. The operations manager immediately responded and verified that a human mortality occurred.”

He says the police were contacted immediately and that an investigation is currently underway.

Streicher explains the identity of the man is being established and the reserve expressed their condolences to his family.

“Lions are nocturnal animals driven by their natural instincts and hunting patterns and may perceive a person as a normal prey species.”

Streicher says concerning the lions responsible for this killing no decision had been reached at this stage on whether they were unnaturally dangerous.

“The reserve is receiving expert advice to make the most responsible decisions possible for all parties concerned. We urge all visitors and landowners to please obey the reserve rules for their own safety.”

The rules:

  • No pedestrians are allowed.
  • Alighting from vehicles is only permitted in designated areas.
  • No bicycles, quad bikes, horses or any similar unprotected mode of transport are allowed unless accompanied by a SATOUR-accredited guide or for official purposes.

Police were yet to comment at the time of publishing.

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