Willemse reunites with former trainer Koen

Koen has trained Willemse before, but the latter then moved to the tutelage of respected personal trainer Lance Jacobson.

Boksburg’s fitness beauty, Cindy Willemse, has praised personal trainer Rudolf Koen for making a swift impact on her progress since she recently rejoined the revered personal fitness mentor and pro bodybuilder.

Speaking with the Advertiser about re-joining forces with Koen, an excited Willemse confirmed: “I’m with Mr Rudolf. He’s grinding me like there’s no tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to seeing what package we’re going to bring to the stage soon.

“Hopefully, after lockdown we’ll be able to know what competitions are happening where.

“There might be a bit of a surprise in terms of federations, but I can’t really say at the moment.

“I’m very excited. I know Rudolf will take my body to the next level.

“His type of training is totally different to what I’m used to and I think it (re-uniting) works better for my body because I’m a person who has always struggled with my glutes. (The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.)

“Normally, I’ll train heavy for glutes – I had an injury end of last year,” Willemse explained.

“We started training glutes at the beginning of the year and I actually have a glute now.

“He started with the resistance bands and I just began building glutes and everybody was like: ‘wow Cindz, you’re starting to have nice glutes now’.

“I just think Rudolf knows how to work with women.

“There are not a lot of men coaches who necessarily always know how to train a woman’s glutes, with men obviously having different bodies to women.

“I’m very happy that I’m back with Rudolf; he must now just bring his magic and make the magic happen,” she enthused.

Koen and Willemse are both contributors to the Advertiser’s weekly fitness initiative. – @SabeloBoksburg

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