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Dates to diarise. What’s happening in and around Boksburg

The What’s On is for schools, sports clubs and NPOs. Entries are at the editor’s discretion. Email your event details to Tayla Smit at taylas@caxton.co.za

July 18
• East Rand Seniors’ Club meets, Boksburg Central Methodist Church, 10:00, all seniors welcome. Barbara: 082 443 346.
• Brainy Beasts Boksburg SPCA fundraiser quiz night, Zorbas, Key Largo Centre, Trichardts Road, Boksburg, 19:00, giveaways, raffles, lucky draws, hampers on auction, R30 per person includes welcome drink, food and blanket donations welcome, all proceeds to Boksburg SPCA. Book: 076 023 0200 or 011 963 3343.

July 20
Boksburg SPCA AGM, corner Kruger and Railway streets, 14:00. RSVP by July 14. Email: secretary@boksburgspca.co.za

July 22
Baanbreker Voortrekkers get together, Laerskool Baanbreker, 16:00. Call Jucinda: 072 314 5482.

July 27 & 28
Education Africa International Marimba and Steelpan Festival, St Dominic’s Catholic School for Girls. Attendees will see over 330 performances by young people from all over SA, Botswana and Zimbabwe as well as Trinidad and Tobago.

August 3
Bokkie Park Food & Craft Market and Car Boot Sale, Southvale Road, Parkdene, 09:00 to 14:30, stalls, live entertainment, tea garden. Janine: 072 713 3332.

August 7
Boksburg Hiking Club meets at Atlas Bowling Club, bring and braai from 17:30, meeting starts at 19:00, cash bar. Call Barbara: 073 140 8162, email hikingclubboksburg@gmail.com or see www.boksburghiking.co.za

August 20
Inspan Volkspelelaer meet, Witfield Park Retirement Village, 19:00. Marita: 074 116 5497.

July 16
East Rand Bird Club meets, Country Life Retirement Village, Brentwood Park, 19:00, presenter Carina Pienaar on BirdLife South Africa’s Igula and Grasslands Conservation Projects, visitors welcome. Awie: 083 677 7097.

July 20
• Missing Elderly and Children Awareness Campaign, hosted by Ward 27, Sector 1 and 2 CPF and Sthe APS in support of Mandela Day, CR Swart Dam, Rynfield, Benoni, 09:30 to 12:30, bring your children.
• This is the closing date for the third Benoni Camera Club Digital Salon, categories: open (colour), nature (colour), photo journalism (colour), human portraits (colour), open (mono) and scapes (colour), in association with PSSA Patronage, enter on Photovault. Enquiries: Linda: pearly30856@gmail.com

July 21
Mzansi Chamber Music Collective concert featuring Isaac van der Merwe (piano), The Shed & Silo, Thomas Road, Norton Home Estates, 15:00, tickets between R200 and R250, book at Quicket. Contact: 066 579 4220, hello@chambermusic.co.za or www.chambermusic.co.za

July 27
South African Pipe Band Championship and Champions of Champions, Benoni Northerns Sports Club, from 09:00. Malcolm: 084 322 1399.

July 30 to August 3
Art Alive Art School exhibition in association with Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora, food, wine, bonfires, proceeds go to Clean Projects, 15:00 to 22:00 (July 30 to August 2), 10:00 to 22:00 (August 3), 56 11th Avenue, Northmead.

August 2
Benoni SPCA fundraiser golf day, Ebotse Links, betterball stableford, shotgun start 11:00, four-balls R3 600, hole sponsorships and promotional activations can be booked. Paul: 082 887 4418 or member1@spcabenoni.co.za

August 11
Mzansi Chamber Music Collective concert featuring guitarists Carl Straussner and Raley Beggs, The Shed & Silo, Thomas Road, Norton Home Estates, 15:00, tickets between R200 and R250, book at Quicket. Contact: 066 579 4220, hello@chambermusic.co.za or www.chambermusic.co.za

August 13 (second Tuesday of each month)
Retired people can join a meeting of the U3A (University of the Third Age), Northfield Methodist Church, at 10:30. The club is looking for new members. Colleen: 082 346 4756.

August 17
Cat Fanciers’ Club of South Africa show, Benoni Christian School, 5 Papawer St, Northmead, from 10:00, spectator entry free, pet cat entry forms on request, entries close August 1. Contact catfanciersclubofsa@gmail.com or Ingrid on 072 324 6059.

August 29
The Humanity Foundation and Urban Ruins golf day fundraiser, in aid of Urban Ruins building maintenance and upgrades, corporate sponsors sought, four-ball format, tee-off 07:00, Benoni Country Club. Clayton or Zelda: 081 747 0833.

Also Read: Diarise these events

Also Read: Events to diarise


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