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Invite Boksburg SPCA to your school

Primary and high schools in suburban and rural areas can invite the SPCA's experts to give a presentation to learners.

Boksburg SPCA continues its fight against animal cruelty through education, with a particular focus on power breeds.

Primary and high schools in suburban and rural areas can invite the SPCA’s experts to give a presentation to learners.

SPCA manager Vicky Finnemore explains that educating the public about animal welfare is part of their core function as a society, but instilling a good sense of animal welfare in the youth is even more important.

“We offer an interactive, fun and educational presentation, which is done by a few members of our team.

“There is no cost to schools for us to come and do the presentation,” she said.

The presentation covers all aspects of animal welfare and how to properly take care of pets.

Finnemore reiterates that often neglect or abuse happens because of ignorance on the owner’s part, which is why continued education is necessary.

This is only one of the many outreach programmes Boksburg SPCA offers.

Schools interested in having the SPCA visit them should contact 011 916 5906/7 or email manager@boksburgspca.co.za.

The SPCA is always in need of volunteers for its outreach work too. If you can assist in any way to help them reach out to more communities and animals, contact the office at the number above.

Also Read: Boksburg SPCA needs a cattle trailer

Also Read: Adopt a pet from Boksburg SPCA


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