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Help make clean-up a success

The organisations wants the area to be clean and safe.

Newly found NPO Skills Solutions is appealing to the community and businesses to help them clean up the empty space between the Royal Reef West Estate and the ERPM Golf course on February 24.

The clean-up will take place from 09:00 to 12:00. Volunteers can bring any tools and equipment they can and are reminded to protect themselves against the sun.

Skills Solutions founder, Rehandre Landman, said DSP Professional Services’ Victor Latsky has also been working with them to assess the risk the area poses to the community.

“This area makes a great hiding place for criminal elements. Victor also cited that residents are encouraged to keep themselves safe by being vigilant.

“Hence, we want community members to join forces to step in and help us make a success of the clean-up,” said Landman.

He highlighted they would also like to have the dilapidated old house demolished but have thus far been unsuccessful in finding someone in the municipality who can help us with the right permissions and assistance in doing this.

Landman explained he established Skills Solutions, based in Witfield, on December 6 last year with the vision that there are alternatives to waiting for politicians to pick up Boksburg to its former glory.

Also Read: CBD clean-up well supported

Also Read: Community clean-up a success



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