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Former Benonian bringing his folk music to town

"Sharing my music and travel adventures from across the world with my old friends back home touches the soul."

Benoni-born and South African folk roots guitar legend Nibs van der Spuy will be in town on February 16, all the way from Portugal, for a one-night performance at Bohemia in Rynfield.

The Benoni High School alumni told the Benoni City Times his Benoni roots are a deep and sacred part of his makeup and musical journey.

“Benoni is deep in my soul. I matriculated from Benoni High in 1983. I was an Eastern Transvaal swimmer and water polo player, but always had music in my blood.

“I started guitar at the age of 14 and was by then already writing my own songs, having been inspired at an early age by The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.”

After completing his military training in the Air Force, Nibs moved to KZN in 1988 where he enrolled in a light music programme at the former Natal Technikon and graduated with top honours in 1991.

For the next 14 years, he was a music lecturer at Natal Technikon, University of Durban Westville and Crawford College.

“During this time I was performing live and making solo records with my band, Landscape Prayers. I started performing in Europe in the late 90’s, cultivating a steady following, especially in France.

“My 2006 album Beautiful Feet received great reviews around the world. In 2014, I moved to Portugal as a base for my work in Europe.

“Sharing my music and travel adventures from across the world with my old friends back home touches the soul. I am so grateful to the amazing people at Bohemia who have always opened their doors for me.”

Tickets to the Rynfield gig, which gets underway at 18:00, are selling fast. For more info/to get tickets, email bohemia260uys@gmail.com.

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