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WATCH: Hani’s widow lambastes ANC for its ‘empty promises’

Hani’s widow said she would not find peace until those behind the murder of her husband are brought to book.

Dignitaries, including the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Alliance Party leadership, gathered at Thomas Nkobi Memorial Park in Elsburg, Germiston, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Chris Hani’s assassination on April 10.

The anti-apartheid activist, then leader of the SACP, was shot dead by Polish immigrant Janusz Walus in the driveway of his Dawn Park home on April 10, 1993.

Speaking at the event, Hani’s widow, Limpho, lambasted the ANC for making empty promises and criticised those who had a role in releasing her late husband’s killer (Walus).

Hani’s widow, Limpho Hani.

Walus was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Hani in 1993, but after the abolishment of the death penalty, the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. He remained in jail until he was released on parole late last year.
His co-accused, Clive Derby-Lewis, also convicted for the murder, died in November 2016 after a long battle with lung cancer.

Minister Blade Nzimande and Limpho Hani laid wreaths at the grave of Chris Hani.

“I know I’m not the only one who has lost a loved one. There are millions of us, and I must consider myself lucky that at least I know who pulled the trigger. Most families have no clue,” said Limpho.
She added that victims of crime are often blamed and criticised by our courts and that she has firsthand experience of being abused by a judge at a court in Pretoria.
“We live in pain and are being traumatised by a democratic court system.”

Members of the UMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) were also in attendance.

Limpho said Hani’s killers would never be forgiven.

“As for this killer Walus, a free man now, we strongly hold the view that he will kill again.
“He was released to freedom in secret under protection by a democratic government.
“He may even live close to the cemetery, you never know. I ask myself who he will kill again.
“Who among us is not going to become his victim? Does he follow me to the shops? Does he watch my and my children’s movements? They started with Chris, and they are going to continue. So watch out.”

Hani’s widow Limpho, Sport, Arts and Culture minister Zizi Kodwa and the newly appointed Ekurhuleni mayor, Sivuyile Ngodwana.

Limpho said Walus’ parole was unfair and unwarranted.
“All we demand is that the crimes against our families be fully repaid and that we are made to feel secure, whether it’s June or Barry Steenkamp – the parents of Reeva.

“The Senzo Meyiwa case should concern all of us as South Africans. It’s more than five years ago that he was murdered, but the Meyiwa family has no idea who killed Senzo. How do you expect the family to have closure?

“I ask all politicians here to approach the correct government departments and ask why this case is taking so long to solve.

“That family needs closure. Chris was shot 30 years ago, but because there is still that unknown person involved, I don’t have closure. That’s why I’m wearing black today. I’m still mourning until the truth comes out, otherwise, I will be mourning for life.”

Dignitaries sang and danced at the commemoration.

Limpho appealed to her comrades in the ANC to stop making empty promises about delivery.
“I understand that the government had serious challenges because of Covid-19. However, the time of making promises to us is over.
“No more promises. We want delivery, and we want delivery now.”

SACP leader Blade Nzimande at the Chris Hani 30th anniversary commemoration.

She pointed out that “in 1994 I was part of those telling people they will get free housing, free education, free medical health, free… free… free.

“However, at that time, looking back, we did not know of something called a budget.
“But the mistake we made is that we did not go back to our people and say we made these promises, but there is something called a budget.
“The other thing I would like to request from all politicians is to stop lying to our people. Don’t promise people things you cannot deliver.”

Speaking at the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Chris Hani’s assassination, Sport, Arts and Culture minister Zizi Kodwa promised to ensure that the Chris Hani Museum gets the status it deserves.

Limpho said the Hani family welcomes the establishment of the Chris Hani Museum in Dawn Park but is unhappy with the quality.

“We plead with you, Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, to accurately present Chris. This can only be achieved by appointing a professional to do the job instead of an official sitting somewhere in the municipal offices.
“I like the thought, but from where I’m coming, I don’t think it correct to present my husband the way he is presented in that museum.”

Also Read: Chris Hani museum not yet accessible to the public


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