
Letter: Can you get your act together?

Send your Letter to the Editor to boksburgadvertiser@caxton.co.za.

Shaun Carter, of Boksburg, writes:

We do not deserve these dirty streets, parks and unsafe fields.

Why do our parks and open spaces look like a jungle?

Why is the metro not doing its job? Why must we pay for nothing?

When you pass through Boksburg you see bushes in vacant council-owned fields.

We cannot and will not live in a pigsty while also battling load-shedding where our meat goes off in our freezers and our appliances and circuit boards break down.

As citizens and taxpayers, we want a change and we want it now.

The metro must get their act together or hand over their portfolio to someone and people who actually care for us, the community.

Some of our ward councillors are doing their best to get officials to address service delivery issues, but how can that be possible when senior municipal officials refuse to cooperate when asked to do their job?

They must be held accountable and compelled to do their job.

Also Read: Air your views in a Letter to the Editor


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