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New Year’s babies brings light at Tambo Memorial Hospital

Tambo Memorial Hospital welcomed two baby boys on New Year’s Day by 11:00. Baby Williams was the first baby born at the hospital on New Year’s Day, 15 minutes past midnight. He weighed 3.15kg. His mother, Bianca Williams, said she is over the moon about the birth of her fourth child. Meanwhile, bundle of joy …

Tambo Memorial Hospital welcomed two baby boys on New Year’s Day by 11:00.
Baby Williams was the first baby born at the hospital on New Year’s Day, 15 minutes past midnight. He weighed 3.15kg.
His mother, Bianca Williams, said she is over the moon about the birth of her fourth child.
Meanwhile, bundle of joy Ayden Fisher came into the world at 07:00, weighing 3.25kg.
The hospital did not have births on Christmas because the mothers were moved to other hospitals due to the gas tanker explosion on Christmas Eve (December 24).

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