
Types of projects project managers oversee

Project management provides valuable tools and insights into how to better manage your projects and teams. Here are some of the types of project managers and the types of projects that project managers may take on.

In the field of project management, there is a myriad of both project managers and project classifications. Depending on the industry, project managers are able to take on a mix of project types within their day-to-day operations.

This article highlights some of the types of project managers and the types of projects that project managers may take on.

What is a project manager?

A project manager is a professional in the field of project management who is responsible for the planning, procurement, and execution of projects within the company. They oversee the project from inception to completion, while guiding their teams and resources in the tasks they have to complete in order to achieve a successful project outcome.

They are the leaders and catalysts of change within organisations who take complete responsibility for the success or failure of a project. Whether it’s executing a marketing campaign, constructing a building, developing new public infrastructure, developing a computer system, or introducing a new product, the project manager will need to ensure that all tasks are completed, and goals are achieved throughout the duration of the project. And when things go wrong, they need to be able to take control and sort out any and all issues that may arise.

Types of project managers and what they do

Although all project managers handle projects from the initialisation to the final delivery, they differ depending on what type of project manager they are and which industry they are in.

Here are the different types of project managers today.

Project management office (PMO) manager

A PMO Manager’s primary job is to ensure that their company’s standards are upheld and clearly defined throughout the entire process of each project, from the initialisation right through to the final execution. It is their responsibility to oversee and delegate the work and tasks that need to be done between all project management office personnel and to keep in constant communication with all parties involved to ensure a smooth project delivery that comes in on time and on budget. A PMO Manager is also responsible for creating and implementing more efficient workflow processes that are tailored to the organisations they are in whenever necessary.

Marketing project manager

A marketing project manager is responsible for the strategy, management, and implementation of any and all marketing campaigns within their organisation. It is their responsibility to assess the teams and resources that are needed in order to execute successful campaigns on time and on budget. They will need to monitor the teams and resources involved throughout the execution of the campaign to ensure that everyone delivers their tasks within the given timeframe, and if any unforeseen obstacles arise, the marketing project manager will need to come up with creative solutions in order to mitigate any and all risks involved.

Engineering project manager

An engineering project manager is responsible for directing and assessing the daily operations of an engineering team. They oversee and work together with engineers, designers, and manufacturers in order to develop and produce a successful project plan; thereafter, it is their responsibility to assign tasks and resources in order to successfully complete the project.

Engineering project managers need to utilise their expertise in order to plan, direct, and coordinate the development of new products, designs, processes and/or offerings. They will need industry knowledge and experience in order to effectively carry out their duties and oversee the experts involved in the projects. Their responsibilities include leading the research and development stage of the project, creating detailed project plans, and setting up budgets, staffing requirements, and equipment and resource needs.

IT project manager

IT project managers are responsible for the planning, organising, and integrating of cross-functional information technology projects that are significant in both scope and impact. To do this, they’ll require industry knowledge and both a curious and logical mind in order to keep up with the ever-changing scope of work within their industry.

In the IT industry, it’s especially important that the project manager is  constantly upskilling and on the lookout for advancements in software and technology that will create more efficient workflows and processes within their organisation. This will help them better coordinate the work of other IT professionals and administrative staff working on new systems and/or software.

Types of projects

When it comes to the type of projects project managers can oversee, the list goes on and on. This is due to the positive effect that having an individual who is responsible for the delivery of projects can have. By having one person, or a group of individuals, oversee the various teams and resources involved, an organisation will be able to ensure an efficient workflow and keep up to date on the project status so that no unforeseen problems arise by the time it is too late to fix them.

The three major project types

Project management spreads across a large variety of industries due to the nature of its work. Almost all companies will benefit from having a project manager who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of their employees to ensure that all targets and goals are met. Because there are many different industries that need project managers, this means that they can be involved in many different types of projects.

Civil Engineering, Construction, Electrical, Petrochemical, and Mining

Projects that fall under this category scope of work vary from small-scale day-to-day installation and maintenance right through to large-scale expansion and development projects that include implementing new infrastructure and can span over months to even years.

From budgeting to implementation, project managers in this category’s day to day tasks will vary depending on which projects they are undertaking at the time. They may work with one small team in order to successfully complete a project or could be working with teams across multiple industries in order to develop or redevelop infrastructure for a project that could span over years.

Project managers overseeing civil engineering, construction, electrical, petrochemical, and mining projects will need to have technical knowledge and skills when it comes to both the industries they work with due to the technical nature of the work and the project management field in order to lead their teams and resources to a successful project outcome.

Manufacturing Projects

The goal of manufacturing projects is to produce a piece of equipment or specifically designed hardware for the client. These types of projects entail tight timelines, budget constraints, and dealing with customers in order to produce exactly what they are looking for.

A project manager will require less technical knowledge in these types of projects, but of course, it will help. However, they will rely more on their planning and organisational skills in order to successfully lead a project to completion with the final product as the outcome.

Management Projects

This type of project backs the earlier  statement that all companies, no matter the size or industry, can benefit from having a project manager overseeing the day-to-day tasks as well as plot out project goals and timelines for all the parties involved. These types of projects span across a multitude of different industries as they involve setting up workflows and processes in order to produce both successful and efficient projects. Their scope of work ranges from developing and implementing a new system, launching a marketing campaign, preparing for a trade exhibition, producing feasibility or other study reports, restructuring organisations, and so much more. Any operation that involves the managing and co-ordinating of activities to produce an end result, such as a successful project, will require a project manager.

Final words

As you can see, there are many industries dependent on project managers as well as many different types of projects that project managers may oversee to improve their results. No matter which industry you are in, having a basic understanding of project management principles will help you succeed in your career by giving you valuable tools and insights into how to better manage your projects and teams. Sign up for a project management online short course and give yourself the tools necessary to successfully complete a wide range of projects spanning a myriad of industries.

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