
Police urge vigilance as crime increases at this time of the year

The Dawn Park SAPS is doing eveything in its power to fight crime, but they need the community's assistance.

Dawn Park police are warning residents of Villa Liza, Windmill Park and Dawn Park to take precautions as burglaries and house robberies could increase in the build-up to the festive season.

Spokesperson Sergeant Nkemeleng Mabula said criminals are ready to capitalise on any house not locked properly. People should ensure their home locking systems are working efficiently.

“We are doing everything in our power to reduce crime in our area, including increased patrols, but residents must also apply precautionary measures,” she said.

Tips from Dawn Park SAPS:
• Keep homes locked at all times, even during the day.
• Ensure gates are closed and locked.
• Change locks after moving into a new home.
• Don’t leave curtains open to provide a view to criminals of what is in the house.
• Don’t inform people that their neighbour is not home or lives alone.
• Don’t allow strangers onto the property.
• Report anything or anyone suspicious to the police or your security company.
Mabula further advised residents to form their own community WhatsApp groups to easily notify each other of anything out of the ordinary.

“They can also include the police in this community group. We especially welcome tip-offs about illegal activities,” she said.

Report crime to Dawn Park police on 011 862 8000/17 or crime stop on 08600 10111.

Also Read: Two arrested for robbery, stabbing in Windmill Park

Also Read: Operation Okea Molao combats crime in Dawn Park


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