
Must schools remain open amid third wave of Covid-19 infections?

The Educators' Union of South Africa want schools to be temporarily closed as the third wave of the Covid-19 grips the country. On the other hand, the Department of Basic Education announced schools will remain open regardless of the sharp rise in Covid-19 infections.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said the department was not insensitive to the concerns raised about the rising infections, but believes schools must remain open.

Therefore, the Advertiser asked a few locals to share their thoughts on this conflicting ideas.

Jooste Rossouw: It’s difficult to say. It’s difficult for some parents to leave their children at home as they have jobs. The department should find a way to accommodate learn.

Busi Ndaba: Schools must close. I know they’re going to vaccinate teachers, but what about the children? The third wave is very powerful.

Lindo Fourie: Schools should definitely stay open. They are going to vaccinate teachers, and those who want to learn should have the opportunity to go to school.

Monica Clarke: I think it’s a good thing that schools are going to remain operational. The department must just strengthen a few regulations.

Mbonisi Sibanda: Schools should stay open. Children are already behind with work as they lost so much education time last year.

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