
Abusive son sentenced to two years

Magistrate Cecil Kruger said the sentence served as a message to other men who continue perpetuating gender based violence against women and children

The 30-year-old man who assaulted his mother (58) and a police officer last year, has been sentenced to two years direct imprisonment.

Emmanual Mamogobo was found guilty on January 27 of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm after assaulting his mother in January and guilty of assault for an attack on a police officer while resisting arrest.

Magistrate Cecil Kruger handed down the sentence on February 26 in the Boksburg Magistrates Court.

Constable Detective Teboho Nyaole, from the Reiger Park SAPS, gave evidence regarding Mamogobo’s previous convictions.

This comes after he was summoned to court after Mamogobo refused to sign the SAP 69 document after the state prosecutor read his previous convictions out in court, which includes assault and housebreaking during his previous court appearance on February 5.

Mamogobo told the court that he could not sign the document because he had “allegedly” been cleared of all these convictions.

During the court proceedings, the state prosecutor, Themba Maluleke crossed examined Cont Det Nyaole regarding the accuracy of the SAP 69 document.

Const Det Nyaole told the court that the results of the SAP 69 were accurate because Mamogobo’s fingerprints were taken to the Springs LCRC where they were verified that he had committed other offences using his fingerprints.

When Mamogobo was again asked to sign the SAP 69 he bluntly refused. The court then had to proceed.


Kruger described the assault case opened by his mother against him as horrific.

He said in the country there’s currently a national outcry against gender-based violence and it is getting out of hand.

“Women and children are murdered daily; the courts are the ones who can do something about it,” said Kruger.

He said Mamogobo showed that had no respect for women because he assaulted his own mother with a screwdriver in her house and went on to kick her and smash her head with a bugler door. She ended up in a hospital.

“Your mother is a defenceless woman. What you did is unacceptable and the court cannot accept that.”

Before he handed down the sentence, Kruger said the court noticed that Mamogobo had an aggressive attitude and was warned more than once to contain himself.

The magistrate indicated that he would take into consideration that Mamogobo was in custody for a year.

He was then sentenced to two years direct imprisonment for both counts of assault GBH, including his mother and the police officer.

Kruger said the sentence served as a message to other men who continue perpetuating gender-based violence against women and children.

The accused mother, Ntabiseng Hlankana, said she was not pleased with the sentenced.

“I feel it’s not enough, especially taking into consideration the abuse that I suffered in the hands of my son. I would have been happy if he was at least given five years,” Hlankana said.

Previous convictions
In 2011, he was found guilty of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
In 2012, Mamogobo was convicted of common assault after an attack on his mother and spent six months in jail.
In 2013, he was found guilty of malicious damage to property after he damaged his mother’s furniture and cellphone.
In 2015, he was found guilty of housebreaking.

Also Read: Abusive son furious after guilty verdict

Also Read: Son who allegedly stabbed mom to defend himself at trial


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