
Letter: I survived 2020 but …

A resident shares his sentiments about the effects of Covid-19 on his livelihood and family

Eddie Welding, Boksbsurg, writes:
2020 is a year I wouldn’t want to relive. On February 9, I returned to Boksburg to try and get my life back on track after I lost my mom and possessions, seven months prior to the pandemic.

Things were alright in the beginning. I started to search for work and things looked promising. I found a place to stay and then, on March 26, the hard lockdown was enforced.

We were housebound. Tobacco was banned. I recall how I had to walk and see where I could get a loose cigarette for R5. At times, we paid R70 a packet.

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We really struggled to survive. As we moved from one level to the next, life started to get better but by June my friend, who assisted me with accommodation, had told me that he can’t help me anymore and I had to go, so I landed up in a squatter camp.

Believe me, picking up the pieces wasn’t easy.

Up until now am I struggling to get back onto my feet. I found a job and have been working for six months now.

Not only have I survived, I am taking care of my two sisters too.

Yes, lockdown 2020 made things worse than what it should have been. South Africa is already struck with poverty and now it’s even worse than ever before.

I really wish there will be a miracle that can once and for all save me from my situation.

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