
#SchoolsReopening: CBC welcomes future leaders

Grade One learners at CBC are happy to begin their academic year following delays of the reopening of schools

With private and independent schools been given the green light to begin their 2021 academic year from today, February 1, this announcement has brought relief to learners, parents and educators.
Due to the scourge of the coronavirus cases, the academic year had to be delayed for about two weeks while most schools opted to teach online.

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Christian Brothers College (CBC), which has also been conducting its classes online since January 20, have formally welcomed Grade One learners to the school following an orientation day that was held on January 19.
During the orientation day, the Advertiser visited the school to find out from learners how they felt about being at school for the very first time.

Embracing his son before he heads to class is Trevor and Kanelo Andrews.

Mark Okitangongo, who is in the Sea Horse Class, said he was so happy to be at school after the holidays. He further told the Advertiser that he wanted to be a pilot.
Another learner, Luciano da Conceicao, who was in the Elephant Class, said he liked everything about the school including his friends and teachers.

One of the parents, Trevor Andrews, said: “I am excited that my son is starting Grade One but due to the high infectious rate of coronavirus I’m a bit anxious but after seeing that the school is adhering to the covid-19 protocols, I’m at peace.”

Asani Phiri, College Deputy Headmaster, said: ” We are pleased with the attendance of the boys today as all our boys are back on campus for a face to face learning and teaching. We would like to thank the Covid-19 compliance officers for all their hard work in ensuring that we follow the covid-19 regulations.” 

Also Read: Survey reveals 90% of teachers scared of contracting virus at school



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