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Sjamboked Reiger Park woman compensated by taxi association

The Kempton Park Taxi Association gave their assurance they are still trying to find the taxi driver who assaulted her

The taxi driver who allegedly assaulted a Reiger Park woman with a sjambok on June 30 after accusing her of taking pictures of drivers at the Kempton Park Taxi Rank hasn’t been arrested, but the victim has been compensated for medical bills and the loss of her cellphone.

Sylvia Visagie (50) was left with multiple bruises on her thighs after being sjamboked while on her way to work from Reiger Park to Kempton Park.

According to Visagie, although the perpetrator hasn’t been arrested but she feels relieved that at least she has been compensated for her medical expenses and her stolen Z3 Blackberry phone.


Woman assaulted by alleged taxi driver on her way to work

Accompanied by officers from the Kempton Park Police Station, Visagie was taken to the Kempton Park Taxi Rank on July 21 to identify the taxi driver who assaulted her.

“We looked around the taxi rank, but I didn’t recall what he looked like because he had a mask on that day. We then went to the Kempton Park Taxi Association offices where we found Mandlakhe Mtshali, chairperson of the Kempton Park Taxi Association, with other men and they apologised for what happened,” she said.

Visagie said they paid her R2 500 for her doctor’s fee, her stolen Z3 Blackberry phone and the taxi fee she used to travel to the doctor and Kempton Park trying to find the perpetrator. “They told me that they were not bribing me, but they were just looking out for the wellbeing of their customers.

“Mtshali said that although the matter is serious it is also complicated because the taxi rank has different drivers from 12 associations which make it difficult to pinpoint who did this. They assured me that they were still busy with the investigations and they promised to find the perpetrator so that I can find closure,” Visage said.

The Advertiser spoke to Mtshali who confirmed that they’ve indeed compensated Visagie, but said money was not a solution.

“We are still working hard to find the person who assaulted her,” Mtshali said.

Kempton Park SAPS deputy spokesperson Sgt Dipuo Ditshego said the common assault case, which was investigated by Det Const Baby Mashamaite, was closed on July 22 as undetected.

Ditshego further explained that the docket is now filed until the suspect is identified by the victim or based on information gathered.


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