Water company maps the flow of kindness in Covid-19

There is a lot of uncertainty out there, but there is also a lot of good happening, with ordinary people offering kindness and hope and bringing joy

Water manufacturer aQuellé launched the aQuellé Kindness Map on June 3, which is a way for South Africans tracking the country’s Covid-19 infections to find a hopeful message at the same time.

aQuellé marketing manager Suzelle Stegen explained the interactive digital map will keep tabs on national acts of kindness towards those impacted by the pandemic and lockdown.

It will also offer inspiration and joy by showcasing the good being done by ordinary people and organisations across the country.

“Our map serves as a reassuring counter to the Department of Health’s daily Covid-19 map which captures the latest disease statistics. Based on data uploaded by ordinary South Africans, the Kindness Map on aQuellé’s website reflects selfless acts taking place across villages, towns, and suburbs,” said Stegen.

“Inspirational stories, complete with photographs and video, create a real-time snapshot of the outreach gestures, big and small, taking place every day. To champion the work being done, the map encourages and enables instant sharing of the content via Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp.”


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There is no limit or criteria for participation; every act of kindness, from phoning a family member or donating books to a children’s home, to buying food vouchers for someone needy or cooking a meal for an elderly neighbour, should be championed, Stegen added.

“Kindness is contagious. All it takes is one act of kindness to start something positive and we’re hoping our kindness map does just that,” she said. “All of us are feeling the effects of the pandemic and lockdown; there’s a lot of uncertainty out there. But there’s also a lot of good happening, with ordinary people offering kindness and hope and bringing joy. We wanted to highlight these gestures, whatever they may be, and encourage more,” she said.

To set this wave of kindness in motion, aQuellé has uploaded several of its own Covid-19 outreach projects onto the newmap. These include the distribution of water, sanitisers and masks, as well as health information flyers in various provinces. Recipients are communities, soup kitchens, homeless shelters and children’s homes.

Stegen said the aQuellé Kindness Map will highlight extraordinary tales of generosity in the hope that it motivates and champions a growing community of givers and doers.

View the map at www.aquelle.co.za


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