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#Lockdown Level 4: Boksburg residents happy to exercise again

Locals say it is 'heaven' to be able to get out for some exercise between 6am and 9am and that they are tired of lockdown

With the easing of the national lockdown from level 5 to 4, allowing South Africans time to exercise between 6am and 9am, among other things, multiple Boksburgers are using the time to great effect.

The Advertiser toured around Boksburg on Thursday morning, May 7, to find out from the public what the return of some of their freedom and the ability to exercise outside their yards means to them.

First up was Boksburg South Extension Three couple Sidney and Leonora Badenhorst, who were excited to take their morning walk with their dog again.

The following is what some of the members of the public had to say.


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Leonora: “It is heaven to be able to walk around again, I’ve had enough of the lockdown. I used to play tennis four days a week, go to gym four days a week, so this (walking) is great.”

Sidney: “It’s wonderful being out again; it’s difficult being at home all the time but one has to accept change.

Aloma Meyer, also from Boksburg South, near the Jimmy Cawood Park, said: “Normally, every morning I take my dog for a walk and my husband and I also usually go for a run around the whole area. It feels absolutely awesome just being able to move around and not being inside four walls anymore. I don’t understand why we are limited to only three hours a day as there’s nobody on the streets. At the shops there’s hundreds of people that you pass by all day long so I really don’t get the logic behind it. But nevertheless, I’m grateful that we can actually just be out.”

Antoinette Tekana, from Boksburg South, commented: “It feels so good. It’s precious because I’m used to walking in the mornings. It’s also nice meeting people on your way and we greet each other. It gives you a feeling of freedom. Walking means a lot to me because I was used to gym and it keeps you healthy. It’s a positive thing to do.

The Advertiser also caught up with three young footballers from Parkrand Primary who were doing some drills at the Boksburg City Stadium under the supervision of one of the boys’ parent.

Asked what it meant to them to be able to train outdoors again, Langa Masuku said: “It feels so good because I felt lazy during stage five of the lockdown when we couldn’t come out.

Tokollo Mokgotla, from Parklands Estate,  said: “It feels good because we get more time to focus on our soccer.”

Lihle Msimango said: “It feels kind of hard because I haven’t been exercising so obviously when you start again, it becomes harder but I’m happy to be exercising again.”

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