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Metro to consult communities and businesses on IDP/budget

The consultative meetings will be held in the 20 customer care areas at 6pm on scheduled days to discuss the draft IDP and Budget with communities.

Proposed new tariffs, credit control measures, indigent policies and budget proposals on capital projects are expected to dominate discussions at the metro’s Draft Integrated Development and Planning (IDP) and Budget public consultative meetings.

According to metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, the City will hold public IDP and Budget consultative meetings from  April 11 to 19  with residents and various other stakeholders.

“They will have an opportunity to comment on the developmental programme of the metro as contained in the IDP for the next five years and the Budget for the next three years,” said Gadebe.

“Council will, during the consultations, brief stakeholders on the proposed developmental programme and allow communities to comment on other proposals.”

He said integrated development planning is a process through which municipalities prepare a strategic development plan which extends over a five-year period.

“This then guides and informs all planning, budgeting, management and decision-making processes in the municipality.”

“The public consultative meetings follow the ward-based consultative process on the IDP and draft Multi-year Budget 2018/2019-2021 for residents and stakeholders’ inputs, which was undertaken in October 2017.

“The inputs were included in the draft IDP and Budget, which will be tabled to the Council for approval after the current consultations.

“Over and above these meetings, stakeholders can from now until 23 April 2018 access the draft IDP and draft Budget documents which will be open for comments.”

These can be viewed electronically at www.ekurhuleni.gov.za, or at public libraries, pay points and Customer Care Centres during office hours.

Comments can be filled in and dropped into Budget Tips boxes at the mentioned offices or e-mailed to budgettips@ekurhuleni.gov.za .

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