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Retina SA needs your help to raise awareness about inherited retinal disorders

World Retina Week is observed internationally from September 19 to 25 to create awareness about inherited retinal disorders (IRD) and the progress towards a cure that research has made possible.

Phenomenal international research findings in the fields of gene replacement, stem cell therapy, pharmaceutical interventions, optogenetics and gene editing now offer hope for imminent treatment.

To ensure that South Africans are included in this remarkable progress, Retina South Africa needs the help of all South Africans.

At present all DNA test are done overseas using sophisticated next generation sequencing, at great expense and with long delays.

In order to bring this technology to South Africa, they need to raise R1-million to establish an IRD diagnostic panel at the Division of Human Genetics at the University of Cape Town. This will speed up the hunt, reduce costs and find the elusive gene mutations unique to our South African indigenous populations. They also need public support to pay for genetic testing of young patients from needy families.

The gene hunters at the University of Cape Town have produced world-class research over many years and are uniquely equipped to hunt for the genetic mutations in patients affected by Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Dystrophies and degenerations, Usher Syndrome, Leber Congenital Amaurosis and dozens of other rare and serious retinal disorders.

These conditions affect more than 20 000 South Africans from all races and socio- economic groups and finding the gene mutation in each family is the first step to therapy.

Alarmingly, researchers estimate that 10 million South Africans carry a single copy of a genetic mutation for one of the recessive forms of IRD – the most common form that usually occurs in families with no previous history of blindness.

Retina South Africa is determined that the treatments emanating from promising clinical trials must be made available to all South African patients – otherwise doomed to a lifetime of vision loss.

Tax deductions and BBEE points are available for sponsors. For more information see www.retinasa.org.za

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