
Dawn Park SAPS recover unlicensed firearm

The Dawn Park SAPS has arrested a 24-year-old man in Windmill Park, on April 2, after he was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm.

The firearm was stolen in East Central, Windmill Park, on March 31.

The detectives assigned to the case followed a lead to the suspect’s home in Windmill Park.

“The police officers searched the house and found the firearm and they then arrested the 24-year-old who was found also at the house.

“The suspect will also be linked to other charges, such as armed robbery and attempted murder,” Dawn Park SAPS’ spokesperson Const Nkemeleng Mabula said.

The firearm will be taken for ballistics testing, to ascertain if it was used in any criminal activities.

The accused was charged with possession of unlicensed firearm.

The suspect will appear in the Vosloorus Magistrate’s Court soon.

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