
Life on the streets is no party

Anonymous from Boksburg writes:

Being homeless myself, I am writing this letter on behalf of those who live on the streets in Boksburg and who have to endure the cold nights out in the open.

Recently, a company in Boksburg had a managers’ sleep out, which, I guess, forms part of the CEO sleep out that took place in Johannesburg.

Sadly, the men and women who participated in the local sleep out turned it into an all night party, wearing ridiculous outfits, posing for photos like they’d accomplished something, as opposed to actually making a point of what the sleep out was for in the first place.

They had preparations planning up front for that night, and had plenty of food, coffee, blankets, warm clothing, cooking accessories and camping chairs.

The whole sleep out just feels humiliating to us, who are actually homeless.

Fact is, life on the streets is everything but a party.

Someone living on the streets don’t have the privilege of “preparing” themselves for what’s coming. You basically have nothing.

There are times that our blankets are stolen off our bodies while we sleep.

There are nights when we go to sleep on an empty stomach without managing to have had any food for that day.

We try to stay clean and hygienic with only one outfit of clothing on our body.

That is the reality of being homeless.

What concerns me is that the sleep out initiative sends out a wrong message regarding homeless people and life on the streets.

Sleeping out night after night – winter/summer, rain or sunshine – is no joke.

We, as homeless people (and not by choice), challenge managers to really go and live on the streets for a week – without any upfront preparations.

Try daily begging for food, sleeping every night in the freezing cold and see if you still think this is a party.

I can assure you that you will not even last two days before you run very quickly back to your perfect homes and warm, comfy beds.

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