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DA’s mayoral candidate ready to bring change to Ekurhuleni

Ghaleb Cachalia has been announced as the DA Mayoral Candidate for Ekurhuleni.

Cachalia grew up in a family forged in the struggle against injustice and he spent many years in exile from the apartheid government.

His grandfathers, Ebrahim Asvat and Ahmed Cachalia, campaigned with Mahatma Gandhi against injustice, while his father, Yusuf Cachalia, was arrested and sentenced for his part in the Defiance Campaign in December 1952.

Cachalia’s mother, Amina Cachalia, marched alongside women of all races in Germiston in 1952 as part of the Defiance Campaign. She was also arrested and held in a prison in Boksburg.

“The values that I learned from my family have guided me throughout my life; non-racialism and reconciliation, the rule of law and human rights, human dignity and the imperative that the government must work for the people and not the other way around,” said Cachalia.

“Sadly, after 22 years of the current government, we have been betrayed.  I accept this DA nomination, not just because I’m leaving the ANC, but because the ANC has left me.

“After all, we have watched our values being reduced to rhetoric by the ruling party. We have watched our painful history being exploited as a tool to divide South Africans to cover up for the failures of government.

“We have seen unemployment rise and we have seen too many of our fellow citizens become trapped in poverty.

“Today, we are in the second most unequal city in the world. Ekurhuleni used to be called Africa’s Workshop, but after years of mismanagement, it is deindustrialising.

“A city that should be a beacon of hope and opportunity remains divided. Nearly 24 per cent of households in this city do not live in formal dwellings.

“Over 40 per cent of the people in this city do not have a tap in their own home while 15 per cent of the people in this city do not have a flush toilet. Almost 20 per cent have no electricity for lighting, let alone cooking.

“The time has come for us to once again find our hope and aspiration.

“My vision for the city of Ekurhuleni is an inclusive city, where the people who are struggling find opportunity and a hand up in life, the striving are able to grow and excel and the successful are able to invest and innovate.

“Our city must be free from crime and grime. Our metro police must be trusted by and partnered with all communities. Our children must not be harassed and entrapped by drug dealers. Nyaope must not steal our future.

“Our city must be transparent. Housing waiting lists must be opened up for public scrutiny. Tenders must be awarded in an open adjudication system.

“Corrupt and callous officials must be dealt with and the city must work for all its residents. Our officials must be competent, qualified and ready to deliver.

“Our city must care for the poor. The indigent policy must ensure that services reach those who can’t afford it. We must compete with Cape Town to offer the most comprehensive basket of free services to our poorest communities.

“Our housing policy must include in-situ upgrading so that people don’t continue to suffer the indignity of poverty. Every child in this city must have a light under which to study, clean running water and sanitation.

“No child or grandmother should suffer the indignity of a pit latrine, or be forced to dig her own pit toilet.

“Our city must be open for business. We must roll out the red carpet for investors who want to create jobs and grow our economy. We must make sure that start-ups and small businesses in particular have the right incentives and support.

“Our city must have good infrastructure. When all the roads are tarred, when the water leaks are fixed and when the street lights work, we not only make life easier for our citizens, we lay the foundation for investment and growth.

“The money is available for this, it just requires a committed government to deliver it.

“Throughout my life, I have opposed injustice. It is what drives me. Today, the biggest injustice is that we do not provide economic opportunity to all.

“The dignity of a job must not be denied to anyone. We will grow the economy, and we will create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

“It is time to bring change that cuts corruption, delivers services and creates jobs.”

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