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Stretching out a generous hand to help St Francis

Oryx Health and Hygiene and its sister company, Design Hygiene, teamed up as part of their CSR initiative, to offer their time and services to St Francis Care Centre, recently.

“We initially met with the centre manager, Tilly Brouwer, to discuss their needs and, while their list is extensive, their greatest need would obviously be financial donations to cover their many costs,” said Oryx representative Heidi Gouws.

“An area that the centre felt was in need of desperate attention would be a deep clean of their training facilities, as this was an area that was overlooked while covering the many others that needed daily attention.

“The Oryx specialised team rose to the challenge and set about scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning light fittings, walls, tables and chairs and carpets, leaving the room feeling fresh and smelling great.”

While the specialised team was busy, Roxaane Pieters, a Design Hygiene representative, and Gouws got to spend some time with the very enthusiastic children in the centre’s loving care.

“What a treat that was for us! We coloured in pictures with them while listening to them telling us about the importance of hygiene,” said Gouws.

“I’m not sure who was more entertained – us or the kiddies.”

Their time with the children ended with a donation from Design Hygiene of a little care package for each child.

“What fulfilling day for us, bringing back to reality how very blessed we are, and we do look forward to the next task ahead,” said Gouws.

“We would strongly urge others to explore the many needs of this wonderful centre, which reaches far and beyond many means to offer a loving service to not only the children in their care, but to the patients in their hospice beds, as well.

“Our small deed was so well received, as I am sure yours would be, too.”

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