Editor's noteLocal newsNews

Are you proudly Boksburg? Then share with us your memories

Were you born and bred in Boksburg, or have you lived here for long enough to have memories about the city?

Did you watch Boksburg grow from a tiny town to where it is today?

Can you actually share with us what was here in the ”olden days”?

If so, the Advertiser is giving you an opportunity to share your knowledge of local history.You can share anything that makes Boksburg a great town, from old pictures to stories and personalities.

Businesses which have always been here are also welcome to pass on whatever information they may have.

For example, have you, your family or your business ever been in the Boksburg Advertiser decades ago?

If so, and you still have a copy, then it’s time to dust it off and bring it to the newspaper for publication.

And, watch this space … the Boksburg Advertiser is undergoing a change and, at the same time, celebrating being proudly part of the city’s history.

If you have anything to send or to share, or you need more information, contact Maile Matsimela on 011 916 5387 or at maile@caxton.co.za.

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